Solar Pool Heating: Harnessing the Power of the Sun

Solar Pool Heating: Harnessing the Power of the Sun

The are about 300,000 public pools left in the United States, and many may soon disappear. In less than ten years, the number of public pools has dropped drastically. There's now one public pool in the US for every 38,000 people.

The good news is that private pools are much more common. Having a private pool means that it's right there when you need it. Unfortunately, pools don't stay warm by themselves, even in Florida. 

You have a few choices when deciding how to warm your pool, and one of them is solar power. We'll discuss solar pool heating and how it works here.

How a Solar Pool Heater Works

The whole process of heating a solar pool begins with the sun. The sun emits 300 Watts per square meter of Earth every year. That's enough heat to keep a lightbulb working on every square meter of earth for almost a day.

A solar pool heater uses a system of collectors to direct this heat into a series of tubes where water is circulated in and out. These tubes move the heated water back into the pool and carry cold water out for the sun to warm up. 

Keep in mind that you need several collectors to make this system work. Multiply the length by the width of your pool; divide the result by 2. That's the square footage of collectors you need to adequately heat your pool. 


The most obvious advantage of solar pool heaters is the greater sustainability they offer. As the name implies, they're entirely solar-powered, which means that you won't have to use electricity to keep them running.  It's a simple, sustainable system that's perfectly safe for families

This also means that there's no need to burn gas or other harmful materials, so you get a warmer pool with zero carbon emissions. You won't need any special equipment to lower the temperature, either. Running the pool at night during the summer will cool the water if you wish.

Low Cost

Solar power helps more than just the environment. They're also great news for your wallet. Since you won't have to pay for the extra electricity, you'll save a lot of money. 

Installing the equipment costs a few thousand dollars, but it pays for itself within months. All you have to worry about is what to do with the extra money. Might we suggest a fire feature to add some flair to your pool?

There are different kinds of equipment for these heaters, but you shouldn't need them in Florida. These systems were designed with warmer climates in mind. The upgraded versions were built to withstand below-freezing temperatures, which aren't a common problem in the Sunshine State. 

Solar Pool Heating

If you want a pool that you can use year-round, solar pool heating is the way to go. We've discussed how solar heating systems work and the advantages of having one here, but there's always more to learn.

If you want to get a pool installed in your home, contact us at Channelmark Pools. We have a whole gallery full of work that speaks to our skill and reliability.
