Adding a New-Age Outdoor Kitchen to Your Pool Project: What to Know

Adding a New-Age Outdoor Kitchen to Your Pool Project: What to Know

Did you know that cooking outside can save energy? Adding an outdoor kitchen keeps the heat outdoors instead of inside your home.

Keeping hot air in your hypothetical new-age outdoor kitchen means you waste less energy cooling your home's interior. The only potentially better way to beat the heat is by adding an outdoor kitchen to your pool project. 

A kitchen-side outdoor kitchen alongside your pool can be convenient and give you peace of mind. Building both side-by-side can give you a better idea of how to design your space.

Below are a few things to know about building your new outdoor kitchen alongside the pool. 

Envision Your Layout

Adding an outdoor kitchen installation to your pool project allows you to envision both builds simultaneously. There's no imagining how one area will interact after you've built the other.

A helpful tip is to imagine how your kitchen and pool fit into the backyard. Consider the best orientation for both areas and where they work best in your outside space.

Do you want a more intimate, adult kitchen area for gatherings or date nights? Would you prefer to keep an eye on the children and pets near the pool? Keep in mind your lifestyle and personal preferences. 

Have a Budget in Mind

You don't need an exact budget planned (although it's advisable), but you should have a firm idea. Budgeting helps you plan how much you intend to spend and on what. Costs can get out of hand if you don't plan expenses. 

Don't be afraid to speak with the builders to learn how much their services and materials cost. It's ok to ask if there are ways you can either save money. It's fine to ask if there are materials worth splurging on too. 

Focus on Functionality

You can't offer good outdoor entertainment if the area can't fulfill its designated role. For example, a lack of outdoor lighting can make it difficult to see around the kitchen and pool.  

Everyone is either trying to feel their way around a dark yard or tripping and injuring themselves. It's good to strike a balance between ambient and task light.

Your lighting should provide general illumination and brighten the counters enough for preparation and cooking. You must choose a good-quality grill and incorporate plenty of storage and counter space. 

Outdoor kitchen design should still focus on functionality. However, a kitchen that's close to a pool needs waterproof or water-resistant materials and appliances. 

Design Your New Age Outdoor Kitchen

Florida is no stranger to warm weather, so you should take advantage. Consider spicing up your outdoor area with a new-age outdoor kitchen.

Visualize the kitchen and pool layout and budget before starting construction. The most important tip is functionality. An outdoor kitchen installation is pointless if you can't cook or entertain there. 

Channelmark Pools is a Southwest Florida company that's worked to design and build outdoor pools and kitchen spaces for over 35 years. Contact us when you're ready to start enhancing your outdoor living area. 
